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Tunis Re offers a wide range of products and services within its multi-line Reinsurance activity :

Fire, Miscellaneous Accidents & Engineering

The world of business involves capital investments and the protection of assets such as buildings, machinery, stocks and other contents that is essential to ensure the sustainability of any business.

Our property solutions offer consistent technical terms and conditions, adapted products and covers to meet the needs and requirements of our partners.

Tunis Re provides significant underwriting capacity to its clients, both for Facultative and Treaty reinsurance. Our underwriters will be pleased to meet the various requests of our partners: risk quotation, treaty quotation and reinsurance programs conception that are adapted to their requirements

Treaty Capacities

Tunis Re offers a very wide range of treaty reinsurance coverage on both a Proportional and Non-Proportional basis.

Non Marine
(Fire, Eng & Misc.)
10.000.000 TND / Treaty 2.500.000 US$ / Treaty
Marine 2.500.000 TND / Treaty 3.000.000 US$ / Treaty
Life 2.500.000 TND / Treaty 1.000.000 US$ / Treaty
Liability & Pro. Liability 3.000.000 TND / Treaty 1.000.000 US$ / Treaty

Facultative Capacities

Non Marine
(Fire, Eng & Misc.)
60.000.000 TND /Risk 10.000.000 US$ /Risk
Marine 10.000.000 TND /Treaty 3.500.000 US$ /Treaty
Energy 20.000.000 TND /Risk 6.000.000 US$ /Risk
Life 2.500.000 TND /Treaty 1.000.000 US$ /Treaty
Liability & Pro. Liability 3.000.000 TND /Treaty 1.000.000 US$ /Treaty

“Cyber Risks: Insurance Solution”

Workshop animated by Mr. Mourad El Aroui, Manager of Facultative Underwriting at Tunis Re, on March 4, 2021.

To download the presentation please click here.

Tunis Re’s compliance with the MSI 20000 financial standard has just been reaffirmed.

This certification, renewed in September 2021, supports the financial credibility of the company
and opens new opportunities abroad.

Vie: 11.0% Incendie: 20.0%ARD : 10.0%Risques techniques : 10.0%Engineering: 10.0%Transport : 15.0%Transport corps : 6.0%Transport FAC: 6.0%Aviation: 9.0%Energie : 3.0%100%Chart created using amCharts library