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The internal control system ensures compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable in Tunisia as well as the observation of prudential rules, allowing:

  • The compliance with standards, plans, procedures, laws and regulations,
  • The reliability and integrity of financial and operating information,
  • Protecting and safeguarding the company’s assets.

“Tunis Re, in the development of its activity at the local and regional markets, is exposed to several risks. It has set up an integrated risk management system which has evolved over the years and which is intended to:

  • Identifying potential events that could affect the business,
  • Controlling risks so that they fall within the limits of its risk appetite,
  • Providing reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of the company’s objectives.

Events of internal or external origin likely to affect the achievement of Tunis Re’s objectives have been identified and recorded in a Risk register based on a regular and comprehensive risk analysis.

In order to improve the control of the risks to which it is exposed, in particular the risk quantification process, Tunis Re has chosen to set up an internal risk-capital model.

This model covers the following risk categories:

  • Underwriting risk: premium risk and provision risk,
  • Market risk: equity risk, interest rate risk and currency risk,
  • Counterparty risk.

The Compliance function is a key function in any system of good governance. It is based on the principles of independence and responsibility and is presented as a control function, forming an integral part of the internal control and risk management system.

This function aims to place the company in strict compliance with the regulations in force by the way of controlling the risks of non-compliance and effective implementation of internal control. It is based primarily on verifying compliance with laws, regulations and professional standards.

This compliance verification function also includes the assessment of the potential impact of any change in the legal environment on the operations of the company, as well as the identification and assessment of the risk of non-compliance.

Among the major axes of the compliance missions is the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML / CFT).

Decennial Liability Pool :

Since the starting of the Decennial Liability insurance obligation in 1996, the Tunisian market has been arranged in a reinsurance pool which includes almost all the Tunisian insurance companies.

Tunis Re, as manager of the pool, works to preserve the achievements of this pool which is essentially to maintain the balance of this line of business by respecting the technical pricing.

The main objective of this organization was the mobilization of a subscription capacity at the level of the Tunisian market in order to strengthen the retention of the market and keep the maximum premiums within the country.

Aviation POOL

Tunis Re was entrusted with the management of the Aviation Pool as a mark of confidence in this institution.

The Tunisian aviation pool is supplied mainly by the TUNISAIR national fleet and by all the risks that may be incurred. The primary objective of this common investment, which was designed at the initiative of the public authorities, is to strengthen the conditions for negotiation with the international reinsurance market. It is also a mechanism for consolidating national retention.

The insurance guarantees offered under the Pool:

  • Hull – Ordinary risks: The intent of this coverage is to cover property damage or loss of the aircraft. The warranty also includes coverage for spare parts as well as repair costs, wreckage removal costs and costs incurred for the safekeeping of the aircraft.
  • Hull – War risks and similar : This is coverage for damage caused by the following events: War, civil commotion, acts of terrorism, sabotage, aircraft hijacking, etc.
  • Third party liability: This covers the airline’s liability to passengers, third parties and crew.
  • Individual Accident : The contract covers the crew against bodily injury and provides for the payment of a capital sum in the event of permanent disability or to their beneficiaries in the event of death.

Marine Pool

Tunis Re has been appointed to manage the marine pool as a sign of trust in this institution.

The Tunisian Maritime Pool is currently powered by the national maritime fleet CTN and all the risk that can be filled in. The main objective of this common investment, which was established at the initiative of the public authorities, is to strengthen the negotiation terms with the international reinsurance market. It is also a mechanism for the consolidation of the national retention.

The insurance guarantees offered in the pool :

  • Hull – Ordinary Risks:

    The purpose of this policy is to cover the Hulls and Engines, materials and equipment of the vessels in all risks as well as the Good Arrival Guarantee (in case of total loss and abandonment).

  • H & M War

    This is coverage for damage caused by war events and related risks including all piracy risks.

  • Vie: 11.0% Incendie: 20.0%ARD : 10.0%Risques techniques : 10.0%Engineering: 10.0%Transport : 15.0%Transport corps : 6.0%Transport FAC: 6.0%Aviation: 9.0%Energie : 3.0%100%Chart created using amCharts library