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The Company

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Message from the General Manager

Our profession has lived through key moments and considerable perils. It is now experiencing profound changes of disruptive innovations driving new business models.

The biggest challenge is not the disturbances themselves, but how to act with the logic of the past! In short : the challenge today is no longer to manage risks but to have the intelligence of risks as the focal point of Tunis Re’s projects.

Lamia Ben Mahmoud

Our Team

Tunis Re has implemented a human resources strategy based on the creation of a responsible internal dynamic, allowing it to meet future challenges in the face of the rapid evolution of the reinsurance environment, with a view to developing the business expertise and improve the company’s performance.

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Tunis Re over time

Tunis Re’s Leaders

Member of Professional Organizations

Vie: 11.0% Incendie: 20.0%ARD : 10.0%Risques techniques : 10.0%Engineering: 10.0%Transport : 15.0%Transport corps : 6.0%Transport FAC: 6.0%Aviation: 9.0%Energie : 3.0%100%Chart created using amCharts library